CodeClub Luxembourg launch today!
13 June, 2013 in news
A tweet on 27 February started an avalanche. Today CodeClub Luxembourg launches as part of the global launch of CodeClub Global. The first press coverage tells the story of how the non-profit organisation CodeClub UK started and now expands.
This is an event deserving big words. I think this will be a day we can look back at and say “13 June 2013, when CodeClub Luxembourg started, really set the wheels in motion and is one of the reasons we have such a strong coding literacy and a healthy ecosystem for new innovative tech based companies”.
Change Makers 1 – Status Quo 0
Patrick Welfringer read that tweet and it grew to an idea, more talks around the kitchen table at the Impactory. With a little help from friends in our community and beyond, it turned into a talk and more help from members of Betacube. A true collaboration starts and now a few weeks later this idea is a reality that will have a serious impact on the kids who will become great coders. What a strength to turn kids away from just being consumers of “coded stuff on screens” and instead be able to understand, control and create with code. That’s value creation for the individuals and society at large.
Praise and action
So join in the applause and praise for Patrick and his team. The best way to honour their hard work is to go to the CodeClub Luxembourg website and offer help, ideas and spreading the word to every school in Luxembourg.
Patrick said on 14 June, 2013
Thank you to everyone who has made this launch possible!
And thanks in advance to everyone thinking of getting involved
One philosophical point I’d like to stress is that the goal of this coding literacy initiative is precisely that: giving the kids a basic literacy which will enable them to succeed in any walk of life.
It’s not necessarily about turning all the kids into professional programmers. We all learned to write – but how many of us became professional book writers?
And how many great things have we achieved because reading & writing enabled us to?