What's happening ?




Vincent Hieff, Chambre de Commerce and Luxembourg Business Angel Network

Lucien Bechtold, manager of the Chamber’s guarantee institution (Mutualité de Cautionnement et d’Aide aux Commerçants – MCAC), specialist in state aids, financing and entrepreneurial venture.


Espace Entreprises is dedicated to all those who are seeking support in their administrative procedures when creating and developing a business.

They also provide consulting in diverse areas like public financial support, legal rights of establishment, labor law, social insurance law, competition law, corporate law, direct and indirect tax. You can schedule an individual meeting or drop by without appointment.

Take this great opportunity to get guidance and help from an expert to create your dream. Vincent is an entrepreneur at heart and he is a wealth of information you can rely on.


L’Espace Entreprises est un guichet unique à l’attention de tous ceux qui cherchent de l’aide dans les procédures administratives auxquelles ils se voient confrontés dans le cadre de la création et du développement d’une entreprise.

L’Espace Entreprises offre également des services de conseil gratuits en matière de droit d’établissement, d’aides et de financements publics, droit du travail individuel, droit des assurances sociales, droit de la concurrence, droit des sociétés et du commerce, ainsi que de fiscalité directe et indirecte. Vous pouvez venir sur place.


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Now it’s time to leverage what we have and go further in bringing an impact within our community and beyond. For all these reasons, we would like to invite you to the next step of the co-creation process of the Impactory.

All members who feel the potential of this space and community are invited to have a say and participate into shaping the next phase. Join us and discover how to use collaborative processes to find innovative solutions to defined issues and learn innovative techniques of co-creation.

You can subscribe by clicking on the different attendance options below.

Day 1 – 26 April from 18:30 to 21:30

Day 2 – 27 April from 14:00 to 19:00

19:00 -21:30

JAM-Pactory is coming back (29/04)

First time (28/02) it was just an experiment of a new idea of Shared Jam Session.

After our last trip to Oldies songs from 50-60, our Monthly Music Making session comes back on Mon 29/04/2013 h19.00 and the monthly theme is: MUSIC FROM THE SEVENTIES! Come and sing, play & network with other fellow musicians & singers, play your (musical) part in the entrepreneurial community of Impactory

Discussion on Songs we are preparing to make is already ongoing…join it!
Write ASAP what you’d like to play/sing to , so you, your voice, your instrument, can get ready to do great… we want, and we can do great this time too!
Á toi de jouer,


PS: Bring something to drink to make a nicer community experience.

Non-Members are welcome, event contribution of 10€ can then be deducted from The Impactory’s monthly Community & Event Membership. Take 5min to check on https://theimpactory.com/join-us/ the great value you get starting at less than 1€/day… don’t forget to LIKE our AWESOME LOCATION FB PAGE: www.facebook.com/theimpactory

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12:30 -13:30


Bring one ingredient or a small dish to share with everyone and have good talks with great people! The salad lunch is an informal way to get together and get to know each other better. It’s also a fun metaphor of collaboration: each ingredient brought by each person tastes better when mixed up together.

Amenez un ingrédient ou un petit plat à partager avec tous et menez de bonnes conversations avec des gens exceptionnels! Ce déjeuner est une manière informelle de se rassembler et d’apprendre à se connaître. C’est également une métaphore de la collaboration: chaque ingrédient amené et ajouté à la salade a meilleur goût lorsqu’il est mélangé aux autres.


The biggest reason people want to write is to be read. If you write – this is the perfect opportunity for you.

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We’re taking the written communication workshop series to a real action oriented event: In one evening we’ll make a magazine about entrepreneurship, our stories, important issues, who’s at the Impactory etc. Well, exactly what we write will be decided in the editorial meeting which is the first point of this evening. We plan this to be a multi-lingual magazine in English, French and German, so whatever you are most comfortable writing in, there is a need for you.

Jerome Bloch from 360 Crossmedia is joining us to guide us from idea to a file ready to send to the printer for printing. We will print 500 copies of the magazine and distribute it to all suitable readers. As part of this project we are also pre-selling ads in the magazine to fund the printing costs, so we need some sales people as well as soon as possible to sell a few ad spaces.

Food and drinks will be provided. End: When the magazine is ready and put on a USB stick to give to the printshop the following morning.

In Fashion

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We believe success comes from failure.To reach success you need to learn.
To learn you need to fail.
Failure must be a positive learning experience to lead to success.We invite you to an open discussion about failure in order to explore this much feared issue. We do believe that we can learn more from failure than success. Don’t you? Then join us for an inspiring and rich discussion to confront your own experiences and learn from each other!

This event is co-organized with two Impactory members: Marie-Thérèse Truong (NoAgeSite) et Eric Cama (LuxMove, ReelMe, K&D Consulting).

Entrance fee: 15 EUR for members / 25 EUR for non-members. Drinks and food are included in the price.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Jean-Claude Bintz – Entrepreneur
  • Denis Jacquet - http://www.accelerateurdecroissance.com/ see his biography here
  • André Reuter – General Manager Polygône http://www.polygone.lu


  • 13h30 - Welcome13h30
  • 14h00 to 14h10 – Introduction
  • 14h10 to 14h30 - Guests speakers introduction
  • 14h30 to 15h30 - Workshops F2S – part 1
  • 15h30 to 16h00 - Break
  • 16h00 to 17h00 - Workshops F2S – part 2
  • 17h00 to 17h45 - Conclusions
  • 17h45 to 18h00 - General Conclusion
  • 18h00 – 20h00 - Drink and Walking Dinner

This event is kindly suported by:


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  • A must-read article covering most aspects of Lean Methods for start-ups and large companies http://t.co/fesyflZvpD ReplyRetweetFavorite
  • to all @theimpactory members - have you registered for the #cocreation session? Please do it asap to take part to the community movement! ReplyRetweetFavorite

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