
On Friday November 8th Luxinnovation Startup support & Design support team will be at The Impactory from 12noon to 4pm. The visit will be very informal so if you have any specific questions or if you would like to find out more on how Luxinnovation could assist you to develop your business and business ideas, please take the opportunity & join!

Logo Luxinnovation

Luxinnovation will be able to answer your questions regarding:

- Advice in launching activities in Luxembourg
- Assistance in transitioning from innovative ideas to viable business models
- Support for business planning (in collaboration with 1,2,3,GO)

- Help in finding incubation possibilities
- Post-Incorporation
- Partner search
- Application support for public funding schemes
- Guidance in finding access to private funding
- Matchmaking with relevant partners (research centres, industry, technology partners)

Additional services
- Link to other Luxinnovation services and departments (Clusters, IP issues, …)

Any queries please contact Marina, our community manager: marina@theimpactory.com

12:30 -13:30


Bring one ingredient or a small dish to share with everyone and have good talks with great people! The salad lunch is an informal way to get together and get to know each other better. It’s also a fun metaphor of collaboration: each ingredient brought by each person tastes better when mixed up together.

Amenez un ingrédient ou un petit plat à partager avec tous et menez de bonnes conversations avec des gens exceptionnels! Ce déjeuner est une manière informelle de se rassembler et d’apprendre à se connaître. C’est également une métaphore de la collaboration: chaque ingrédient amené et ajouté à la salade a meilleur goût lorsqu’il est mélangé aux autres.



Vincent Hieff, Chambre de Commerce and Luxembourg Business Angel Network


Espace Entreprises is dedicated to all those who are seeking support in their administrative procedures when creating and developing a business.

They also provide consulting in diverse areas like public financial support, legal rights of establishment, labor law, social insurance law, competition law, corporate law, direct and indirect tax. You can schedule an individual meeting or drop by without appointment.

Take this great opportunity to get guidance and help from an expert to create your dream. Vincent is an entrepreneur at heart and he is a wealth of information you can rely on.


L’Espace Entreprises est un guichet unique à l’attention de tous ceux qui cherchent de l’aide dans les procédures administratives auxquelles ils se voient confrontés dans le cadre de la création et du développement d’une entreprise.

L’Espace Entreprises offre également des services de conseil gratuits en matière de droit d’établissement, d’aides et de financements publics, droit du travail individuel, droit des assurances sociales, droit de la concurrence, droit des sociétés et du commerce, ainsi que de fiscalité directe et indirecte. Vous pouvez venir sur place.

Online event registration for Espace Entreprises Business Helpdesk powered by Eventbrite

Inbound marketing

What is the difference between outbound marketing and inbound marketing and why is the latter so important nowadays ? What are the constituents of an inbound marketing strategy (Content, Social Media, SEO) ? How to organize your inbound marketing activities so that you can handle them ? Which tools to use ? What is the relation of inbound marketing and new trends like marketing automation ?

The workshop will give an overview of the concepts of inbound marketing and shows some real world examples


About Sylvain

Throughout his career, Sylvain, who is economist by education, has worked at the crossroads of economics, society, culture & technology. As an early Internet evangelist, he has been advising governments & companies on strategies for the networked society.

After having spent some time in the User Experience Design community, he then started to be involved and interested in strategic planning, innovation management, service design & design thinking, social & public sector innovation, social technologies, intellectual capital and the future of work. He’s an occasional speaker at international conferences on these subjects.

Sylvain (http://about.me/sylvaincottong) currently lives and works in Luxembourg (www.strategybuilders.eu & www.projetspublics.lu).

You find him on Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/in/sylvaincottong and on Twitter as http://twitter.com/sly

He is also a member of the Internet of Things Council (http://www.theinternetofthings.eu/), the New Club of Paris (http://www.new-club-of-paris.org/) and vice-president of LuxIC (www.luxic.lu), the Luxembourg Society for Intellectual Capital.

Event registration for Inbound Marketing with Sylvain Cottong powered by Eventbrite

Intellectual Property, a company’s most valuable asset

Seminar offered by Pierre Kihn from Office Freylinger

A comprehensive seminar, which provides you with valuable information and an insight into Intellectual Property issues.

The objective of the seminar is to promote greater awareness of intellectual property, as one of the most important assets of a company, in the global market environment.
The seminar provides an informative and interesting overview (and exchange of views) for non-professionals on a company’s Intellectual Property (IP) management strategy. Participants will acquire both a better understanding on how to protect their company’s Intellectual Property by means of:
trade secrets
-registered designs
and on how to take profit from such Intellectual Property Rights as commercial and marketing tools.
Participants in the seminar will gain a better understanding on how to incorporate a company’s intangible intellectual property into its business strategy.

Knowledge about IP-rights is not required

Pierre KIHN: After having graduated as a chemical engineer from the University of Louvain, Belgium, Pierre Kihn gained first work experience in a multinational petroleum company. He joined the firm in 1992 and now primarily deals with patent applications in chemistry, biochemistry and pharmaceuticals. Since 2009, Pierre Kihn is the CEO and managing partner of the Firm Furthermore, Pierre Kihn gives lectures on IP law at the University of Luxembourg and at Georgia Tech Lorraine University in Metz, France. He passed the European Qualifying Examination and is admitted to practice before the European Patent Office (EPO), the Luxembourg Patent Office (LPO), the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) and the Benelux Trademark and Registered Design Office (BBM) and he is also registered with the French Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) and with the Belgian Patent Office (OPRI).
Pierre is an active members of numerous international professional organizations as E.P.I., A.I.P.P.I., B.M.M., UNION, INTA etc. Pierre is the Luxembourg

The seminar will be held in English.

Event Registration Online for Intellectual Property Workshop with Office Freylinger powered by Eventbrite

Do something different for lunch and join us at The Impactory.

In collaboration with ESADE Alumni we will run our first Action Lab, with a series of 3 workshop on the theme of “How to make your ideas happen”.

The 2nd lunch will be about “collaboration”.


Action Labs aim at becoming a local forum for conversations, connections and actions, aiming at inspiring people to make a change for the better. In addition to the inspiration, the aim of action labs is to accompany those people through their concrete steps towards improving their lives, their communities and the world.

An Action Lab is a local initiative to form a local community
of like-minded, engaged and committed people wanting to
contribute to a just, prosperous and sustainable civilization,
one conversation, one action and one community at a time.

Light lunch & soft drinks will be provided by ESADE Alumni.

Esade Alumni

Online event registration for Action Lab – On collaboratiion powered by Eventbrite

Thursday November 21st, from 6pm to 8pm

Are you working on a new project and looking for talented partners or co-founders for your team?

Are you looking for an opportunity to discover existing projects and possibly join a new entrepreneurial venture?

The Impactory’s Apéro Pitch & Match-me-up event is the chance for members to present their projects in a front of a friendly audience in order to get feedback.

Our next event with feature Silicon Luxembourg, the First media dedicated to Startup & Entrepreneurship in Luxembourg and the Greater Region. If you are interested to know more about the project, to contribute or become a partner, please join!

The Pitch will be followed by a networking session and apéro offered by Charles-Louis Machuron, founder of Silicon Luxembourg.

Non-members contribution for this event is 15euros. If you decide to become a member after the event, we will deduct the 15euros from your 1st month package price.

Online Ticketing for Apéro Pitch with Silicon Luxembourg powered by Eventbrite

7 things you should know before launching your e-business:

Real advice from a web entrepreneur

“New web platforms and social networks offer incredible opportunities of successful businesses and with a good idea, courage and sweat you will be the next star of start ups how many times have you heard this teaser?”

I won’t say that it’s false, for the simple reason that for 1 of 1000, the story will be as easy as that. For the 999 ones, a few tips could allow to gain time, avoid mistakes and objectively estimate your readiness for the adventure.”


Anne Canel is an expert in Finance and Organization for SME and Non Profit structures with over 15 years experience. Anne has also always been fascinated by IT and marketing. In 2011 Ann lauched her own business(es) and have discovered with passion the challenges and rewards of start-up, pitch contests, E-commerce and investors’s world.

Event registration for 7 things you should know before launching your e-business powered by Eventbrite

As part of the EU Coding week initiative we are organising the following Workshop

Intro to Web Development  for Women –  Saturday November 30th, 10:30m till 5:30pmThis workshop is organised in the Frame of “Europe Code Week”.

The workship is taught & organised by volunteers and Impactory members.  The Impactory, as a sponsor to EuCodeWeek, will provide the space for the workshop.


During this workshop you will learn:

- The basics of programming with PHP
- How to make a small web app that would enable data storage and retrieval
- Basic algorithmic (if times allows)

The workshop will be taught by Frantz Miccoli. Frantz is passionate about the world of web and innovation. He graduated from Grenoble Ecole de Management and EISTI in France. He is currently CO MyScienceWork, a social network and search engine for the scientific community. Previously Frantz was involved in numerous in projects such as KenaGard, a software company and Izzijob, a website dedicated to employment.

If you are interested to attend please email: marina@theimpactory.com


What's happening ?



On Friday November 8th Luxinnovation Startup support & Design support team will be at The Impactory from 12noon to 4pm. The visit will be very informal so if you have any specific questions or if you would like to find out more on how Luxinnovation could assist you to develop your business and business ideas, please take the opportunity & join!

Logo Luxinnovation

Luxinnovation will be able to answer your questions regarding:

- Advice in launching activities in Luxembourg
- Assistance in transitioning from innovative ideas to viable business models
- Support for business planning (in collaboration with 1,2,3,GO)

- Help in finding incubation possibilities
- Post-Incorporation
- Partner search
- Application support for public funding schemes
- Guidance in finding access to private funding
- Matchmaking with relevant partners (research centres, industry, technology partners)

Additional services
- Link to other Luxinnovation services and departments (Clusters, IP issues, …)

Any queries please contact Marina, our community manager: marina@theimpactory.com

12:30 -13:30


Bring one ingredient or a small dish to share with everyone and have good talks with great people! The salad lunch is an informal way to get together and get to know each other better. It’s also a fun metaphor of collaboration: each ingredient brought by each person tastes better when mixed up together.

Amenez un ingrédient ou un petit plat à partager avec tous et menez de bonnes conversations avec des gens exceptionnels! Ce déjeuner est une manière informelle de se rassembler et d’apprendre à se connaître. C’est également une métaphore de la collaboration: chaque ingrédient amené et ajouté à la salade a meilleur goût lorsqu’il est mélangé aux autres.



Vincent Hieff, Chambre de Commerce and Luxembourg Business Angel Network


Espace Entreprises is dedicated to all those who are seeking support in their administrative procedures when creating and developing a business.

They also provide consulting in diverse areas like public financial support, legal rights of establishment, labor law, social insurance law, competition law, corporate law, direct and indirect tax. You can schedule an individual meeting or drop by without appointment.

Take this great opportunity to get guidance and help from an expert to create your dream. Vincent is an entrepreneur at heart and he is a wealth of information you can rely on.


L’Espace Entreprises est un guichet unique à l’attention de tous ceux qui cherchent de l’aide dans les procédures administratives auxquelles ils se voient confrontés dans le cadre de la création et du développement d’une entreprise.

L’Espace Entreprises offre également des services de conseil gratuits en matière de droit d’établissement, d’aides et de financements publics, droit du travail individuel, droit des assurances sociales, droit de la concurrence, droit des sociétés et du commerce, ainsi que de fiscalité directe et indirecte. Vous pouvez venir sur place.

Online event registration for Espace Entreprises Business Helpdesk powered by Eventbrite

Inbound marketing

What is the difference between outbound marketing and inbound marketing and why is the latter so important nowadays ? What are the constituents of an inbound marketing strategy (Content, Social Media, SEO) ? How to organize your inbound marketing activities so that you can handle them ? Which tools to use ? What is the relation of inbound marketing and new trends like marketing automation ?

The workshop will give an overview of the concepts of inbound marketing and shows some real world examples


About Sylvain

Throughout his career, Sylvain, who is economist by education, has worked at the crossroads of economics, society, culture & technology. As an early Internet evangelist, he has been advising governments & companies on strategies for the networked society.

After having spent some time in the User Experience Design community, he then started to be involved and interested in strategic planning, innovation management, service design & design thinking, social & public sector innovation, social technologies, intellectual capital and the future of work. He’s an occasional speaker at international conferences on these subjects.

Sylvain (http://about.me/sylvaincottong) currently lives and works in Luxembourg (www.strategybuilders.eu & www.projetspublics.lu).

You find him on Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/in/sylvaincottong and on Twitter as http://twitter.com/sly

He is also a member of the Internet of Things Council (http://www.theinternetofthings.eu/), the New Club of Paris (http://www.new-club-of-paris.org/) and vice-president of LuxIC (www.luxic.lu), the Luxembourg Society for Intellectual Capital.

Event registration for Inbound Marketing with Sylvain Cottong powered by Eventbrite

Intellectual Property, a company’s most valuable asset

Seminar offered by Pierre Kihn from Office Freylinger

A comprehensive seminar, which provides you with valuable information and an insight into Intellectual Property issues.

The objective of the seminar is to promote greater awareness of intellectual property, as one of the most important assets of a company, in the global market environment.
The seminar provides an informative and interesting overview (and exchange of views) for non-professionals on a company’s Intellectual Property (IP) management strategy. Participants will acquire both a better understanding on how to protect their company’s Intellectual Property by means of:
trade secrets
-registered designs
and on how to take profit from such Intellectual Property Rights as commercial and marketing tools.
Participants in the seminar will gain a better understanding on how to incorporate a company’s intangible intellectual property into its business strategy.

Knowledge about IP-rights is not required

Pierre KIHN: After having graduated as a chemical engineer from the University of Louvain, Belgium, Pierre Kihn gained first work experience in a multinational petroleum company. He joined the firm in 1992 and now primarily deals with patent applications in chemistry, biochemistry and pharmaceuticals. Since 2009, Pierre Kihn is the CEO and managing partner of the Firm Furthermore, Pierre Kihn gives lectures on IP law at the University of Luxembourg and at Georgia Tech Lorraine University in Metz, France. He passed the European Qualifying Examination and is admitted to practice before the European Patent Office (EPO), the Luxembourg Patent Office (LPO), the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) and the Benelux Trademark and Registered Design Office (BBM) and he is also registered with the French Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) and with the Belgian Patent Office (OPRI).
Pierre is an active members of numerous international professional organizations as E.P.I., A.I.P.P.I., B.M.M., UNION, INTA etc. Pierre is the Luxembourg

The seminar will be held in English.

Event Registration Online for Intellectual Property Workshop with Office Freylinger powered by Eventbrite

Do something different for lunch and join us at The Impactory.

In collaboration with ESADE Alumni we will run our first Action Lab, with a series of 3 workshop on the theme of “How to make your ideas happen”.

The 2nd lunch will be about “collaboration”.


Action Labs aim at becoming a local forum for conversations, connections and actions, aiming at inspiring people to make a change for the better. In addition to the inspiration, the aim of action labs is to accompany those people through their concrete steps towards improving their lives, their communities and the world.

An Action Lab is a local initiative to form a local community
of like-minded, engaged and committed people wanting to
contribute to a just, prosperous and sustainable civilization,
one conversation, one action and one community at a time.

Light lunch & soft drinks will be provided by ESADE Alumni.

Esade Alumni

Online event registration for Action Lab – On collaboratiion powered by Eventbrite

Thursday November 21st, from 6pm to 8pm

Are you working on a new project and looking for talented partners or co-founders for your team?

Are you looking for an opportunity to discover existing projects and possibly join a new entrepreneurial venture?

The Impactory’s Apéro Pitch & Match-me-up event is the chance for members to present their projects in a front of a friendly audience in order to get feedback.

Our next event with feature Silicon Luxembourg, the First media dedicated to Startup & Entrepreneurship in Luxembourg and the Greater Region. If you are interested to know more about the project, to contribute or become a partner, please join!

The Pitch will be followed by a networking session and apéro offered by Charles-Louis Machuron, founder of Silicon Luxembourg.

Non-members contribution for this event is 15euros. If you decide to become a member after the event, we will deduct the 15euros from your 1st month package price.

Online Ticketing for Apéro Pitch with Silicon Luxembourg powered by Eventbrite

7 things you should know before launching your e-business:

Real advice from a web entrepreneur

“New web platforms and social networks offer incredible opportunities of successful businesses and with a good idea, courage and sweat you will be the next star of start ups how many times have you heard this teaser?”

I won’t say that it’s false, for the simple reason that for 1 of 1000, the story will be as easy as that. For the 999 ones, a few tips could allow to gain time, avoid mistakes and objectively estimate your readiness for the adventure.”


Anne Canel is an expert in Finance and Organization for SME and Non Profit structures with over 15 years experience. Anne has also always been fascinated by IT and marketing. In 2011 Ann lauched her own business(es) and have discovered with passion the challenges and rewards of start-up, pitch contests, E-commerce and investors’s world.

Event registration for 7 things you should know before launching your e-business powered by Eventbrite

As part of the EU Coding week initiative we are organising the following Workshop

Intro to Web Development  for Women –  Saturday November 30th, 10:30m till 5:30pmThis workshop is organised in the Frame of “Europe Code Week”.

The workship is taught & organised by volunteers and Impactory members.  The Impactory, as a sponsor to EuCodeWeek, will provide the space for the workshop.


During this workshop you will learn:

- The basics of programming with PHP
- How to make a small web app that would enable data storage and retrieval
- Basic algorithmic (if times allows)

The workshop will be taught by Frantz Miccoli. Frantz is passionate about the world of web and innovation. He graduated from Grenoble Ecole de Management and EISTI in France. He is currently CO MyScienceWork, a social network and search engine for the scientific community. Previously Frantz was involved in numerous in projects such as KenaGard, a software company and Izzijob, a website dedicated to employment.

If you are interested to attend please email: marina@theimpactory.com


Perbedaan Antara Slot Gacor dan Slot Biasa

Slot Gacor berbeda dengan slot biasa dalam hal frekuensi kemenangan. Pemain yang memilih RTP Slot Gacor biasanya merasakan lebih banyak kemenangan, meskipun nilainya bervariasi. Ini terjadi karena slot ini dirancang untuk memberikan pengembalian yang lebih tinggi. Memilih Slot RTP Tertinggi bisa menjadi cara untuk memastikan pengalaman bermain yang lebih menyenangkan.

Bagi Anda yang ingin bermain slot dengan modal ringan, Slot Depo 5k adalah pilihan tepat. Nikmati berbagai jenis permainan slot yang menarik dengan peluang besar meraih hadiah menarik.

Alasan Utama Memilih Bo Togel Hadiah Terbesar sebagai Platform Terbaik

Untuk pemain yang serius, memilih Bo Togel Hadiah Terbesar adalah langkah yang tepat. Hadiah fantastis ini tidak hanya menggiurkan, tetapi juga memberikan pengalaman bermain yang penuh tantangan dan kepuasan.

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