

The Impactory is proud to host Girls in Tech Luxembourg Lauching Event !

Wednesday 26th March from 6.30pm at The Impactory.

Girls in Tech Luxembourg is a chapter of a global organisation aiming tu support & empower Women in Tech careers & Tech entrepreneurship.

In Luxembourg, the co-founders include Marina, our community project manager and Kasia, an Impactory member & co-founder of Gencreo. You may know that Kasia & Marina met at The Impactory and decided to work on this project! They also organised the first coding classes for Women in Luxembourg as recently featured in The New York Times  Indeed, Girls in Tech is also aiming to address the gender balance challenge in the ITC  industry & be an active player in the local startup ecosystem.

Girls in Tech are planning regular networking events to inspire Women to engage with Technology and access great career opportunities. Please join  them on their lauching event to learn more about their plans. This is going to be awesome!

Please register now on Girls in Tech Website.









TheoryU imageClient communication – U in the pitch 3:
Thursday, 27 March 2014, 12:15 – 14:00
With Isabel Page & Lisa Francis-Jennings

Client communication – U in the pitch will enable you, through the process model of theory U, to address the challenge of crafting your pitch while being totally present in the interest of your prospective client.   Lisa Francis-Jennings, an expert in sales education, will be joining me as we share invaluable tools to

• chart your knowledge of your customer;
• understand how your listening will guide your pitch,
• craft your core pitch for maximum impact, and
• sense and communicate the USP for each individual client

We will, of course, develop a personal action plan.

If you have any queries about the session, do contact me at .

Looking forward to welcoming you on 27 March!


About Isabel

I Page photo

As a former associate lecturer on human resource management for the Open University Business School UK’s MBA and MSc program, it has been Isabel’s privilege to exchange with many mature students engaged in highly challenging leadership roles for global organisations. This experience, together with her role in executive coaching and organisational development for diverse public and private global organisations such as Fidelity Investments, Spacelabs, Xing, the European Central Bank, the European Investment Bank, the EU Court of Justice and Henri Tudor, has convinced Isabel of the need for deep change in the practice of leadership and management. Introduced to Otto Scharmer’s work at MIT through the director of Centro Ecológico, Akumal during a voluntary consulting partnership in Mexico, Isabel has been engaged since 2010 in virtual learning with Otto through the Presencing Institute and personally in Paris and Boston. She teaches this work to students and professionals in the context of the Social Enterprise Course, part of the Certificate of Sustainability delivered by the University of Luxembourg.

About Lisa Francis-Jennings

Lisa Francis

Lisa Francis-Jennings holds an MSc in Psychology (HEC and Oxford) and a post-grad certificate in Advanced Management of Strategic Change from the Rotman School of Management. Working for over two decades with a diverse client base in Europe, North America and Asia, Lisa blends a strong academic understanding of Organizational Change theory with on-the-ground experience of key elements & success factors required to manage the human factor in start-ups and during business expansion.
Lisa has a deep understanding of the challenges and issues businesses face today, and blends her skill in adult education and coaching with organizational change theory to identify and address process and skill gaps found in evolving organizations.

Please note that this event is available for Impactory members only.
If you are not a member and interested to attend, please contact us directly: marina@theimpactory.com

Event Registration Online for Client communication – a deep dive, with Isabel Page & Lisa Francis-Jennings, session 4 powered by Eventbrite



When and where? 27th March – 6 p.m. @TheImpactory. Join us for an introduction to mindfulness and a mindfulness course for members and non-members.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” – John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about developing attention. It is about living fully the present. It is about being, before any doing.

Sometimes we get in our way, because we’re too attached to our past failures. Or, we move too fast towards the future, without having observed where we really are in the present. Our body is always with us, but our thoughts are often somewhere else. Sometimes we lose a real connection with our environment, family, friends, community, clients. Sometimes we lose a true connection with ourselves, our values, ideas, projects, objectives.

Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, to ourselves. It starts from within, and spreads all around. When we are aware, and we live in the present moment, then we’re able to bring out the best of ourselves. We don’t hurry, or worry. We observe and listen more attentively. We don’t judge with old lenses, but experience with a beginner’s mind. We don’t escape or avoid, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.

Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation, and its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. First applied with extreme success to support patients experiencing depression and anxiety, it has been found to have a valuable impact also in different areas. Companies like Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, developed mindfulness programs to improve not just well-being, but also communication, trust, interactions, decision making, creativity.

About: Maurizio Cortesi

Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher. Before going freelance, he has worked in administration, management, and academic research (focusing on how trust can impact individual and group performance). He is passionate about learning and sharing, always trying to experiment first hand. He likes to challenge assumptions and perspectives, focusing in the meantime on clear, simple and impacting messages, strategies, and practices. He works with people inside and outside companies and academia to support them in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources.
Check out www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com. Or email him at maurizio@zegtraining.com

Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite

David Beckham

Ask most people what they think PR is and they reply, “it’s your company’s image to the outside world”. They are wrong. Some say, “I don’t need to do any PR, my work speaks for itself”. Wrong again. Proactive manipulation of how you are perceived both professionally and personally is a challenge few consider and even fewer achieve. Are you even sure of how you are perceived by your contacts, clients, friends, employees, suppliers, stakeholders?

In an environment of limited budgets and even less time, all of us need to reach the maximum relevant audience, using channels that work with the right distribution frequency. Too little and our message is lost in the noise. Too much and our audience switches off.

This session will help you answer

· How is your business perceived now?

· What are your PR goals?

· What are your key messages?

· Is the Luxembourg media worth it?

We will also have some Case Examples (Both successes and failures) after all “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford

Speaker Profile

Jim Kent is the Managing Partner of TheINsiders. Luxembourg’s only PR firm focusing on the financial and legal sector.
Based in Luxembourg since 2001, Jim used to be the breakfast radio DJ and MD at Ara City Radio before joining the Luxembourg Law firm DSM as their marketing manager.

“Why be a cog in an engine, when you can put your foot on the accelerator?”

In his spare time, he is the organiser and host of Luxembourg’s only English speaking comedy club nights in Konrad and you can also find him, monthly, behind the piano in the English speaking Church.
You can also find him in 2014 behind the microphone at the “Rose of Tralee”, “50 years of the International School of Luxembourg” and at a range of events aimed at HNWI’s in London, Israel and Cyprus.

The Impactory is the launchpad that many Luxembourg start-ups had been searching for. Let’s hope that the new Luxembourg government follows the initiative by reducing the painful level of bureaucracy on new businesses. I found the Impactory myself after searching for office space for a client.

* Light lunch & soft drinks will be provided in the session.

Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite


When and where? 2nd April – 6 p.m. @TheImpactory. Join us for an introduction to mindfulness and a mindfulness course for members and non-members.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” – John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about developing attention. It is about living fully the present. It is about being, before any doing.

Sometimes we get in our way, because we’re too attached to our past failures. Or, we move too fast towards the future, without having observed where we really are in the present. Our body is always with us, but our thoughts are often somewhere else. Sometimes we lose a real connection with our environment, family, friends, community, clients. Sometimes we lose a true connection with ourselves, our values, ideas, projects, objectives.

Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, to ourselves. It starts from within, and spreads all around. When we are aware, and we live in the present moment, then we’re able to bring out the best of ourselves. We don’t hurry, or worry. We observe and listen more attentively. We don’t judge with old lenses, but experience with a beginner’s mind. We don’t escape or avoid, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.

Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation, and its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. First applied with extreme success to support patients experiencing depression and anxiety, it has been found to have a valuable impact also in different areas. Companies like Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, developed mindfulness programs to improve not just well-being, but also communication, trust, interactions, decision making, creativity.

About: Maurizio Cortesi

Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher. Before going freelance, he has worked in administration, management, and academic research (focusing on how trust can impact individual and group performance). He is passionate about learning and sharing, always trying to experiment first hand. He likes to challenge assumptions and perspectives, focusing in the meantime on clear, simple and impacting messages, strategies, and practices. He works with people inside and outside companies and academia to support them in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources.
Check out www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com. Or email him at maurizio@zegtraining.com

Sell Tickets through Eventbrite
12:15 -13:30


Bring one ingredient or a small dish to share with everyone and have good talks with great people! The salad lunch is an informal way to get together and get to know each other better. It’s also a fun metaphor of collaboration: each ingredient brought by each person tastes better when mixed up together.

Amenez un ingrédient ou un petit plat à partager avec tous et menez de bonnes conversations avec des gens exceptionnels! Ce déjeuner est une manière informelle de se rassembler et d’apprendre à se connaître. C’est également une métaphore de la collaboration: chaque ingrédient amené et ajouté à la salade a meilleur goût lorsqu’il est mélangé aux autres.



Vincent Hieff, Chambre de Commerce and Luxembourg Business Angel Network


Espace Entreprises is dedicated to all those who are seeking support in their administrative procedures when creating and developing a business.

They also provide consulting in diverse areas like public financial support, legal rights of establishment, labor law, social insurance law, competition law, corporate law, direct and indirect tax. You can schedule an individual meeting or drop by without appointment.

Take this great opportunity to get guidance and help from an expert to create your dream. Vincent is an entrepreneur at heart and he is a wealth of information you can rely on.


L’Espace Entreprises est un guichet unique à l’attention de tous ceux qui cherchent de l’aide dans les procédures administratives auxquelles ils se voient confrontés dans le cadre de la création et du développement d’une entreprise.

L’Espace Entreprises offre également des services de conseil gratuits en matière de droit d’établissement, d’aides et de financements publics, droit du travail individuel, droit des assurances sociales, droit de la concurrence, droit des sociétés et du commerce, ainsi que de fiscalité directe et indirecte. Vous pouvez venir sur place.

Event management for Espace Entreprises Business Helpdesk April 4, 2014 powered by Eventbrite


When and where? 10th April – 6 p.m. @TheImpactory. Join us for an introduction to mindfulness and a mindfulness course for members and non-members.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” – John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about developing attention. It is about living fully the present. It is about being, before any doing.

Sometimes we get in our way, because we’re too attached to our past failures. Or, we move too fast towards the future, without having observed where we really are in the present. Our body is always with us, but our thoughts are often somewhere else. Sometimes we lose a real connection with our environment, family, friends, community, clients. Sometimes we lose a true connection with ourselves, our values, ideas, projects, objectives.

Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, to ourselves. It starts from within, and spreads all around. When we are aware, and we live in the present moment, then we’re able to bring out the best of ourselves. We don’t hurry, or worry. We observe and listen more attentively. We don’t judge with old lenses, but experience with a beginner’s mind. We don’t escape or avoid, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.

Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation, and its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. First applied with extreme success to support patients experiencing depression and anxiety, it has been found to have a valuable impact also in different areas. Companies like Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, developed mindfulness programs to improve not just well-being, but also communication, trust, interactions, decision making, creativity.

About: Maurizio Cortesi

Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher. Before going freelance, he has worked in administration, management, and academic research (focusing on how trust can impact individual and group performance). He is passionate about learning and sharing, always trying to experiment first hand. He likes to challenge assumptions and perspectives, focusing in the meantime on clear, simple and impacting messages, strategies, and practices. He works with people inside and outside companies and academia to support them in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources.
Check out www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com. Or email him at maurizio@zegtraining.com

Event management for An introduction to Mindful Impact session 4 powered by Eventbrite

Are you interested to become of a member of our community of entrepreneurs & change makers? Are you a new member and you would like to know how to best use the Impactory for your projects? Are you a more experienced member and you would like to meet the new blood as well as share your experience as being part of the Impactory’s community?
Maybe, just want to know more about what The Impactory is all about?

space kitchen

Then join us for an informal session and get all your questions answered!

This event will be run on a regular basis and aim to provide all necessary information to new members :

  • How does the Impactory work : all you always wanted to know and ask !
  • How to make the most of your membership ?
  • Which are the different activites and the networking opprtunities offered at The Impactory?
  • How can you get (more) involved within the Impactory community and make the difference ?
  • How can you meet and connect with other members members and collaborate on projects?
  • How to create new opportunities for the community and yourself ?
  • Event management for Impactory Info & Welcome Session powered by Eventbrite


Save the date. On April 17th at Lunch time, Hannah, an independent consultant having previously worked at the World Bank and managed a microfinance bank in Congo DRC and Kaspar, CEO or the Luxembourg Microfinance and Development Fund will engage in a discussion on the evolution of this “poster-child” social sector.

Half of the adults in the world do not have access to adequate financial services (loans, savings, transfers and insurance). Microfinance started as a charity activtiy by giving people access to small credit to finance their income generating activities. Today several microfinance institutions have balance sheets in excess of USD 1 billion and offer a wide range of competitive products and services to well over 200 million clients.

Hannah and Kaspar will trace the evolution of the sector and host an open discussion about their personal involvement and career choices.

Register Now!

Online event registration for Learn about Microfinance powered by Eventbrite


When and where? 17th April – 6 p.m. @TheImpactory. Join us for an introduction to mindfulness and a mindfulness course for members and non-members.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” – John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about developing attention. It is about living fully the present. It is about being, before any doing.

Sometimes we get in our way, because we’re too attached to our past failures. Or, we move too fast towards the future, without having observed where we really are in the present. Our body is always with us, but our thoughts are often somewhere else. Sometimes we lose a real connection with our environment, family, friends, community, clients. Sometimes we lose a true connection with ourselves, our values, ideas, projects, objectives.

Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, to ourselves. It starts from within, and spreads all around. When we are aware, and we live in the present moment, then we’re able to bring out the best of ourselves. We don’t hurry, or worry. We observe and listen more attentively. We don’t judge with old lenses, but experience with a beginner’s mind. We don’t escape or avoid, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.

Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation, and its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. First applied with extreme success to support patients experiencing depression and anxiety, it has been found to have a valuable impact also in different areas. Companies like Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, developed mindfulness programs to improve not just well-being, but also communication, trust, interactions, decision making, creativity.

About: Maurizio Cortesi

Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher. Before going freelance, he has worked in administration, management, and academic research (focusing on how trust can impact individual and group performance). He is passionate about learning and sharing, always trying to experiment first hand. He likes to challenge assumptions and perspectives, focusing in the meantime on clear, simple and impacting messages, strategies, and practices. He works with people inside and outside companies and academia to support them in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources.
Check out www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com. Or email him at maurizio@zegtraining.com

Event management for An introduction to Mindful Impact session 5 powered by Eventbrite
What's happening ?




The Impactory is proud to host Girls in Tech Luxembourg Lauching Event !

Wednesday 26th March from 6.30pm at The Impactory.

Girls in Tech Luxembourg is a chapter of a global organisation aiming tu support & empower Women in Tech careers & Tech entrepreneurship.

In Luxembourg, the co-founders include Marina, our community project manager and Kasia, an Impactory member & co-founder of Gencreo. You may know that Kasia & Marina met at The Impactory and decided to work on this project! They also organised the first coding classes for Women in Luxembourg as recently featured in The New York Times  Indeed, Girls in Tech is also aiming to address the gender balance challenge in the ITC  industry & be an active player in the local startup ecosystem.

Girls in Tech are planning regular networking events to inspire Women to engage with Technology and access great career opportunities. Please join  them on their lauching event to learn more about their plans. This is going to be awesome!

Please register now on Girls in Tech Website.









TheoryU imageClient communication – U in the pitch 3:
Thursday, 27 March 2014, 12:15 – 14:00
With Isabel Page & Lisa Francis-Jennings

Client communication – U in the pitch will enable you, through the process model of theory U, to address the challenge of crafting your pitch while being totally present in the interest of your prospective client.   Lisa Francis-Jennings, an expert in sales education, will be joining me as we share invaluable tools to

• chart your knowledge of your customer;
• understand how your listening will guide your pitch,
• craft your core pitch for maximum impact, and
• sense and communicate the USP for each individual client

We will, of course, develop a personal action plan.

If you have any queries about the session, do contact me at .

Looking forward to welcoming you on 27 March!


About Isabel

I Page photo

As a former associate lecturer on human resource management for the Open University Business School UK’s MBA and MSc program, it has been Isabel’s privilege to exchange with many mature students engaged in highly challenging leadership roles for global organisations. This experience, together with her role in executive coaching and organisational development for diverse public and private global organisations such as Fidelity Investments, Spacelabs, Xing, the European Central Bank, the European Investment Bank, the EU Court of Justice and Henri Tudor, has convinced Isabel of the need for deep change in the practice of leadership and management. Introduced to Otto Scharmer’s work at MIT through the director of Centro Ecológico, Akumal during a voluntary consulting partnership in Mexico, Isabel has been engaged since 2010 in virtual learning with Otto through the Presencing Institute and personally in Paris and Boston. She teaches this work to students and professionals in the context of the Social Enterprise Course, part of the Certificate of Sustainability delivered by the University of Luxembourg.

About Lisa Francis-Jennings

Lisa Francis

Lisa Francis-Jennings holds an MSc in Psychology (HEC and Oxford) and a post-grad certificate in Advanced Management of Strategic Change from the Rotman School of Management. Working for over two decades with a diverse client base in Europe, North America and Asia, Lisa blends a strong academic understanding of Organizational Change theory with on-the-ground experience of key elements & success factors required to manage the human factor in start-ups and during business expansion.
Lisa has a deep understanding of the challenges and issues businesses face today, and blends her skill in adult education and coaching with organizational change theory to identify and address process and skill gaps found in evolving organizations.

Please note that this event is available for Impactory members only.
If you are not a member and interested to attend, please contact us directly: marina@theimpactory.com

Event Registration Online for Client communication – a deep dive, with Isabel Page & Lisa Francis-Jennings, session 4 powered by Eventbrite



When and where? 27th March – 6 p.m. @TheImpactory. Join us for an introduction to mindfulness and a mindfulness course for members and non-members.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” – John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about developing attention. It is about living fully the present. It is about being, before any doing.

Sometimes we get in our way, because we’re too attached to our past failures. Or, we move too fast towards the future, without having observed where we really are in the present. Our body is always with us, but our thoughts are often somewhere else. Sometimes we lose a real connection with our environment, family, friends, community, clients. Sometimes we lose a true connection with ourselves, our values, ideas, projects, objectives.

Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, to ourselves. It starts from within, and spreads all around. When we are aware, and we live in the present moment, then we’re able to bring out the best of ourselves. We don’t hurry, or worry. We observe and listen more attentively. We don’t judge with old lenses, but experience with a beginner’s mind. We don’t escape or avoid, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.

Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation, and its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. First applied with extreme success to support patients experiencing depression and anxiety, it has been found to have a valuable impact also in different areas. Companies like Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, developed mindfulness programs to improve not just well-being, but also communication, trust, interactions, decision making, creativity.

About: Maurizio Cortesi

Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher. Before going freelance, he has worked in administration, management, and academic research (focusing on how trust can impact individual and group performance). He is passionate about learning and sharing, always trying to experiment first hand. He likes to challenge assumptions and perspectives, focusing in the meantime on clear, simple and impacting messages, strategies, and practices. He works with people inside and outside companies and academia to support them in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources.
Check out www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com. Or email him at maurizio@zegtraining.com

Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite

David Beckham

Ask most people what they think PR is and they reply, “it’s your company’s image to the outside world”. They are wrong. Some say, “I don’t need to do any PR, my work speaks for itself”. Wrong again. Proactive manipulation of how you are perceived both professionally and personally is a challenge few consider and even fewer achieve. Are you even sure of how you are perceived by your contacts, clients, friends, employees, suppliers, stakeholders?

In an environment of limited budgets and even less time, all of us need to reach the maximum relevant audience, using channels that work with the right distribution frequency. Too little and our message is lost in the noise. Too much and our audience switches off.

This session will help you answer

· How is your business perceived now?

· What are your PR goals?

· What are your key messages?

· Is the Luxembourg media worth it?

We will also have some Case Examples (Both successes and failures) after all “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford

Speaker Profile

Jim Kent is the Managing Partner of TheINsiders. Luxembourg’s only PR firm focusing on the financial and legal sector.
Based in Luxembourg since 2001, Jim used to be the breakfast radio DJ and MD at Ara City Radio before joining the Luxembourg Law firm DSM as their marketing manager.

“Why be a cog in an engine, when you can put your foot on the accelerator?”

In his spare time, he is the organiser and host of Luxembourg’s only English speaking comedy club nights in Konrad and you can also find him, monthly, behind the piano in the English speaking Church.
You can also find him in 2014 behind the microphone at the “Rose of Tralee”, “50 years of the International School of Luxembourg” and at a range of events aimed at HNWI’s in London, Israel and Cyprus.

The Impactory is the launchpad that many Luxembourg start-ups had been searching for. Let’s hope that the new Luxembourg government follows the initiative by reducing the painful level of bureaucracy on new businesses. I found the Impactory myself after searching for office space for a client.

* Light lunch & soft drinks will be provided in the session.

Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite


When and where? 2nd April – 6 p.m. @TheImpactory. Join us for an introduction to mindfulness and a mindfulness course for members and non-members.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” – John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about developing attention. It is about living fully the present. It is about being, before any doing.

Sometimes we get in our way, because we’re too attached to our past failures. Or, we move too fast towards the future, without having observed where we really are in the present. Our body is always with us, but our thoughts are often somewhere else. Sometimes we lose a real connection with our environment, family, friends, community, clients. Sometimes we lose a true connection with ourselves, our values, ideas, projects, objectives.

Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, to ourselves. It starts from within, and spreads all around. When we are aware, and we live in the present moment, then we’re able to bring out the best of ourselves. We don’t hurry, or worry. We observe and listen more attentively. We don’t judge with old lenses, but experience with a beginner’s mind. We don’t escape or avoid, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.

Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation, and its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. First applied with extreme success to support patients experiencing depression and anxiety, it has been found to have a valuable impact also in different areas. Companies like Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, developed mindfulness programs to improve not just well-being, but also communication, trust, interactions, decision making, creativity.

About: Maurizio Cortesi

Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher. Before going freelance, he has worked in administration, management, and academic research (focusing on how trust can impact individual and group performance). He is passionate about learning and sharing, always trying to experiment first hand. He likes to challenge assumptions and perspectives, focusing in the meantime on clear, simple and impacting messages, strategies, and practices. He works with people inside and outside companies and academia to support them in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources.
Check out www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com. Or email him at maurizio@zegtraining.com

Sell Tickets through Eventbrite
12:15 -13:30


Bring one ingredient or a small dish to share with everyone and have good talks with great people! The salad lunch is an informal way to get together and get to know each other better. It’s also a fun metaphor of collaboration: each ingredient brought by each person tastes better when mixed up together.

Amenez un ingrédient ou un petit plat à partager avec tous et menez de bonnes conversations avec des gens exceptionnels! Ce déjeuner est une manière informelle de se rassembler et d’apprendre à se connaître. C’est également une métaphore de la collaboration: chaque ingrédient amené et ajouté à la salade a meilleur goût lorsqu’il est mélangé aux autres.



Vincent Hieff, Chambre de Commerce and Luxembourg Business Angel Network


Espace Entreprises is dedicated to all those who are seeking support in their administrative procedures when creating and developing a business.

They also provide consulting in diverse areas like public financial support, legal rights of establishment, labor law, social insurance law, competition law, corporate law, direct and indirect tax. You can schedule an individual meeting or drop by without appointment.

Take this great opportunity to get guidance and help from an expert to create your dream. Vincent is an entrepreneur at heart and he is a wealth of information you can rely on.


L’Espace Entreprises est un guichet unique à l’attention de tous ceux qui cherchent de l’aide dans les procédures administratives auxquelles ils se voient confrontés dans le cadre de la création et du développement d’une entreprise.

L’Espace Entreprises offre également des services de conseil gratuits en matière de droit d’établissement, d’aides et de financements publics, droit du travail individuel, droit des assurances sociales, droit de la concurrence, droit des sociétés et du commerce, ainsi que de fiscalité directe et indirecte. Vous pouvez venir sur place.

Event management for Espace Entreprises Business Helpdesk April 4, 2014 powered by Eventbrite


When and where? 10th April – 6 p.m. @TheImpactory. Join us for an introduction to mindfulness and a mindfulness course for members and non-members.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” – John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about developing attention. It is about living fully the present. It is about being, before any doing.

Sometimes we get in our way, because we’re too attached to our past failures. Or, we move too fast towards the future, without having observed where we really are in the present. Our body is always with us, but our thoughts are often somewhere else. Sometimes we lose a real connection with our environment, family, friends, community, clients. Sometimes we lose a true connection with ourselves, our values, ideas, projects, objectives.

Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, to ourselves. It starts from within, and spreads all around. When we are aware, and we live in the present moment, then we’re able to bring out the best of ourselves. We don’t hurry, or worry. We observe and listen more attentively. We don’t judge with old lenses, but experience with a beginner’s mind. We don’t escape or avoid, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.

Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation, and its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. First applied with extreme success to support patients experiencing depression and anxiety, it has been found to have a valuable impact also in different areas. Companies like Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, developed mindfulness programs to improve not just well-being, but also communication, trust, interactions, decision making, creativity.

About: Maurizio Cortesi

Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher. Before going freelance, he has worked in administration, management, and academic research (focusing on how trust can impact individual and group performance). He is passionate about learning and sharing, always trying to experiment first hand. He likes to challenge assumptions and perspectives, focusing in the meantime on clear, simple and impacting messages, strategies, and practices. He works with people inside and outside companies and academia to support them in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources.
Check out www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com. Or email him at maurizio@zegtraining.com

Event management for An introduction to Mindful Impact session 4 powered by Eventbrite

Are you interested to become of a member of our community of entrepreneurs & change makers? Are you a new member and you would like to know how to best use the Impactory for your projects? Are you a more experienced member and you would like to meet the new blood as well as share your experience as being part of the Impactory’s community?
Maybe, just want to know more about what The Impactory is all about?

space kitchen

Then join us for an informal session and get all your questions answered!

This event will be run on a regular basis and aim to provide all necessary information to new members :

  • How does the Impactory work : all you always wanted to know and ask !
  • How to make the most of your membership ?
  • Which are the different activites and the networking opprtunities offered at The Impactory?
  • How can you get (more) involved within the Impactory community and make the difference ?
  • How can you meet and connect with other members members and collaborate on projects?
  • How to create new opportunities for the community and yourself ?
  • Event management for Impactory Info & Welcome Session powered by Eventbrite


Save the date. On April 17th at Lunch time, Hannah, an independent consultant having previously worked at the World Bank and managed a microfinance bank in Congo DRC and Kaspar, CEO or the Luxembourg Microfinance and Development Fund will engage in a discussion on the evolution of this “poster-child” social sector.

Half of the adults in the world do not have access to adequate financial services (loans, savings, transfers and insurance). Microfinance started as a charity activtiy by giving people access to small credit to finance their income generating activities. Today several microfinance institutions have balance sheets in excess of USD 1 billion and offer a wide range of competitive products and services to well over 200 million clients.

Hannah and Kaspar will trace the evolution of the sector and host an open discussion about their personal involvement and career choices.

Register Now!

Online event registration for Learn about Microfinance powered by Eventbrite


When and where? 17th April – 6 p.m. @TheImpactory. Join us for an introduction to mindfulness and a mindfulness course for members and non-members.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” – John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about developing attention. It is about living fully the present. It is about being, before any doing.

Sometimes we get in our way, because we’re too attached to our past failures. Or, we move too fast towards the future, without having observed where we really are in the present. Our body is always with us, but our thoughts are often somewhere else. Sometimes we lose a real connection with our environment, family, friends, community, clients. Sometimes we lose a true connection with ourselves, our values, ideas, projects, objectives.

Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, to ourselves. It starts from within, and spreads all around. When we are aware, and we live in the present moment, then we’re able to bring out the best of ourselves. We don’t hurry, or worry. We observe and listen more attentively. We don’t judge with old lenses, but experience with a beginner’s mind. We don’t escape or avoid, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.

Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation, and its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. First applied with extreme success to support patients experiencing depression and anxiety, it has been found to have a valuable impact also in different areas. Companies like Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, developed mindfulness programs to improve not just well-being, but also communication, trust, interactions, decision making, creativity.

About: Maurizio Cortesi

Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher. Before going freelance, he has worked in administration, management, and academic research (focusing on how trust can impact individual and group performance). He is passionate about learning and sharing, always trying to experiment first hand. He likes to challenge assumptions and perspectives, focusing in the meantime on clear, simple and impacting messages, strategies, and practices. He works with people inside and outside companies and academia to support them in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources.
Check out www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com. Or email him at maurizio@zegtraining.com

Event management for An introduction to Mindful Impact session 5 powered by Eventbrite

Perbedaan Antara Slot Gacor dan Slot Biasa

Slot Gacor berbeda dengan slot biasa dalam hal frekuensi kemenangan. Pemain yang memilih RTP Slot Gacor biasanya merasakan lebih banyak kemenangan, meskipun nilainya bervariasi. Ini terjadi karena slot ini dirancang untuk memberikan pengembalian yang lebih tinggi. Memilih Slot RTP Tertinggi bisa menjadi cara untuk memastikan pengalaman bermain yang lebih menyenangkan.

Bagi Anda yang ingin bermain slot dengan modal ringan, Slot Depo 5k adalah pilihan tepat. Nikmati berbagai jenis permainan slot yang menarik dengan peluang besar meraih hadiah menarik.

Alasan Utama Memilih Bo Togel Hadiah Terbesar sebagai Platform Terbaik

Untuk pemain yang serius, memilih Bo Togel Hadiah Terbesar adalah langkah yang tepat. Hadiah fantastis ini tidak hanya menggiurkan, tetapi juga memberikan pengalaman bermain yang penuh tantangan dan kepuasan.

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