
“From not for profit to social enterprise: meet with Aimée Abra Tenu, a social entrepreneur form rural Africa…” (in French)
A l’occasion du déjeuner, Aimée Abra Tenu, femme engagée d’origine togolaise, vous présentera les défis d’une jeune entrepreneuse sociale africaine en 2014 !

Venez nombreux échanger avec nous !


Depuis son plus jeune âge, Aimée Abra Tenu est engagée comme citoyenne active et fondatrice d’ONG, active d’abord dans l’accompagnement pour les enfants défavorisés, puis dans le développement communautaire (environnement, alphabétisation des femmes, éducation des enfants etc.). En 2009, Aimée Abra Tenu décide de transformer ses initiatives en « Social entreprise », lui permettant de développer des business model générateurs de revenus (de la transformation de déchets, aux savons de luxe).

Son objectif final, l’autonomisation et l’indépendance financière des populations soutenues, signifie que ses initiatives passent le relai aux bénéficiaires, qui deviennent alors entrepreneurs du développement de leurs communautés.

Aimée a été reconnue en recevant divers prix ( entre autres « prix de l’excellence féminine ouest-africain » délivré par Hokan International à Cotonou en 2009, le prix « JCI The Outstanding Young Persons of the World » dans la catégorie « Leadership accomplissement en éducation »…).

L’une de ses structures, “Zam-Ké” – littéralement « Utilises moi encore » en dialecte local,- a reçu l’appui du forum Young African Women Leaders de la First Lady Michele OBAMA en 2011.

Cet évènement est réalisé en collaboration avec JCI Luxembourg.



Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite




@The Impactory on July 10th, from 7pm!


Because we love to celebrate, meet and mingle, we would like to invite everyone who has been in touch with The Impactory during the past year for a party before the summer holidays.

Everyone is invited: neighbours, family, partners, … so please bring people along with you!

Please bring your own contribution in order to share it with everyone or contribute 10 euros for the party.

For ensuring coordination,  with what you can contribute with and get inspired by the list below.

For members, you can offer your contribution and help through the Podio platform We are looking forward to having you for a great party under a (hopefully) sunny, cloudless sky!


Contribution List:
meat (real meat or vegetal meat)
sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise…)
salads: pasta, rice…
desserts (cake, fruit salad, …)
soft drinks, water, juice…
music : guitar, voices…
2 BBQ stands
coal and fire material
sponsor ideas for inkind (drinks, food…)
or 10 Euros…

- – - – - – -

Online event registration for It’s time to BBQ at The Impactory ! Join our Summer Party! powered by Eventbrite

Our sponsors:

Logo The Belgian Brewery

Mathieu Pinet will offer a degustation of his own made Belgian Beers :)  


Also the company Marcel Grobusch & Fils will sponsor our BBQ and offer us fresh fruits for the party!

 Picture 45KPMG_webben




“Avez-vous la patience d’attendre que la boue se depose et que l’eau soit claire?”

- Lao-Tzu, Tao-te-Ching -

 Sans titre2

Dans un monde de plus en plus connecté, on peut se retrouver de moins en moins connectés à nous-mêmes et à ceux qui sont plus importants dans nos familles et nos communautés. Dans un monde qui va de plus en plus vite, on peut se retrouver en train de courir et tourner, mais ayant perdu notre direction et notre vision. Dans un monde qui change sans arrêt, on peut se retrouver face plein d’incertitudes et loin de l’expérience profonde de la beauté du renouvellement dans notre vie quotidienne.


La pleine conscience est une qualité humaine naturelle, une façon de faire attention à tout ce qui apparaît dans notre vie, et qui nous permet de développer un sens plus profond de connexion avec nous-même et le monde extérieur.


La pleine conscience est aussi une pratique pour cultiver des attitudes spécifiques comme acceptation, non-jugement, patience et compassion. À travers une expérience directe on apprend à observer le ‘jeu’ continu entre corps et esprit. Avec cette clarté et compréhension, en vivant le moment présent, on apprend à mieux prendre soin de nous-mêmes, en utilisant nos ressources internes pour faire face aux défis et nous développer. On apprend aussi à ne pas nier ni fuir les événements de notre vie, mais à accepter, en devenant capables de suivre nos chemins avec plus de compréhension et moins de stress.


Pendant cette journée de silence, on explorera cette qualité innée d’attention et observation. On apprendra à la développer à travers la respiration, le corps, les émotions, les pensées, et l’environnement externe. En suivant des pratiques guidées, on alternera des périodes assis et en mouvement (marche de pleine conscience, qi-gong, yoga). Loin d’être effrayant et inconfortable comme on pourrait penser, rester en silence pendant une longue période est pour la plupart une expérience profonde de relaxation et ré-connexion à soi-même.


La pleine conscience se base sur des pratiques millénaires de méditation. Son impact positif est démontré par quelques décennies de recherche clinique et académique. Des compagnies comme Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, et les entrepreneurs de la Silicon Valley, utilisent la pleine conscience pour améliorer le bien-être, la communication, la créativité, la clarté, la capacité de décision, et le leadership.


La pratique est guidée en français. Le séminaire est prévu pour le samedi 12 Juillet 2014 à The Impactory, à partir de 10h jusqu’à 16h30. Aucune expérience préalable est nécessaire. Pour toute question : .




- – - – - -


Sans titre1Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher, having participated to retreats with John Kabat-Zinn, Saki Santorelly, and Shamash Alidina. After his former experiences in management, both in the private and public sectors, he has devoted various years to academia, researching the effects of trust on individual and organisational performance, gaining two PhDs (Management Engineering, and Economics). All these experiences have convinced him that organisations need a profound change of their focus and practices, starting once again from individuals and their human needs. Nowadays he has the privilege of lecturing and coaching Bachelor and Master students, as well as PhD candidates, at the University of Luxembourg, the Maastricht School of Governance, and the UNU-Merit Maastricht.  As a coach, he supports executives and individuals in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources. You can see more on his website www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com.


Event registration for Un samedi en pleine conscience: être à travers le corps et l’esprit powered by Eventbrite




In the first session we saw what wearables are all about. If you missed it, feel free to come anyway and we will make sure to bring you up to speed.

Now comes the time to continue with regular meets and continue where we left of.

You will need your laptop and a free USB Port if you want to get started straight away.

The main Language will be English but French and German can be spoken too in case of any particular questions.

You do NOT need ANY prior knowledge about electronics. Being curious and patient is ideal :)   

It is open to all and in a gender neutral atmosphere.

We will not only take a look at the hardware but also do a lot of easy programming of the different sensors.

Not convinced yet? Check these great projects out, which anyone can do after an initial session of the basic knowledge: https://learn.adafruit.com/category/flora

Wearable Lightning talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeMgJYMhYys

bigContact me for more info: 





Thanks and see you on the third Wearable Wednesday in Luxembourg, July 16th at 18h30



Sell Tickets through Eventbrite

TheoryU imageRisk management – a deep dive Behaviour in risk management and Theory U
Dates: Thursday, 24 July 2014, 12.15 – 14.00
Isabel Page with Yves Deceuninck

The 2008 crisis and its catastrophic ongoing effects have made imperative an innovative approach to risk decision-making and management. Our lunchtime session will raise awareness of our own behaviour in both assessing and making decisions around risk, and the part our emotions and instinct play in these crucial organisational competences.

Yves Deceuninck, an expert and coach in risk management, will join us to bring you this ground-breaking session.
This session is open to those Impactory members engaged in early start-ups only – members working as professional coaches and consultants will not be accepted. If you have any questions about the workshop, do contact me at .

About Isabel

I Page photo

As a former associate lecturer on human resource management for the Open University Business School UK’s MBA and MSc program, it has been Isabel’s privilege to exchange with many mature students engaged in highly challenging leadership roles for global organisations. This experience, together with her role in executive coaching and organisational development for diverse public and private global organisations such as Fidelity Investments, Spacelabs, Xing, the European Central Bank, the European Investment Bank, the EU Court of Justice and Henri Tudor, has convinced Isabel of the need for deep change in the practice of leadership and management. Introduced to Otto Scharmer’s work at MIT through the director of Centro Ecológico, Akumal during a voluntary consulting partnership in Mexico, Isabel has been engaged since 2010 in virtual learning with Otto through the Presencing Institute and personally in Paris and Boston. She teaches this work to students and professionals in the context of the Social Enterprise Course, part of the Certificate of Sustainability delivered by the University of Luxembourg.

About Yves


With Master’s degrees in Financial Risk Management, Applied Economics, Accountancy and Finance, Internal Audit, and IT network & organisation, Yves provides expert training for Central Banks in emerging market countries. He provides coaching programmes on behalf of the ATTF (Agence de Transfert de Technologie Financière du Luxembourg) in microfinance institutions, and for the ATTF itself. As Senior Manager with a big four audit services in Brussels, he was involved in corporate governance review and self-assessment risk programmes. Yves performed internal audit assignments and credit risk reviews in the banking sector in Africa (10 countries) and Europe as well as audit reviews in Europe, Channel Islands, Bermuda Islands, Hong Kong. He also gave training in hedge fund strategies, risk management, financial modelling, AML, internal auditing, project management.

Yves is a certified coach (ICF) and certified performance coach PECI (sports psychology performance coach) and is currently following a Psychology degree (University of Paris). As well as practising business coaching, he is a mental coach for triathlon runners and footballers.

For registration, please email at



In the first session we saw what wearables are all about. If you missed it, feel free to come anyway and we will make sure to bring you up to speed.

Now comes the time to continue with regular meets and continue where we left of.

You will need your laptop and a free USB Port if you want to get started straight away.

The main Language will be English but French and German can be spoken too in case of any particular questions.

You do NOT need ANY prior knowledge about electronics. Being curious and patient is ideal :)   

It is open to all and in a gender neutral atmosphere.

We will not only take a look at the hardware but also do a lot of easy programming of the different sensors.

Not convinced yet? Check these great projects out, which anyone can do after an initial session of the basic knowledge: https://learn.adafruit.com/category/flora

Wearable Lightning talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeMgJYMhYys

bigContact me for more info: 





Thanks and see you on the fourth Wearable Wednesday in Luxembourg, July 30th at 18h30



Online event registration for Fourth Wearable Wednesday at The Impactory powered by Eventbrite
What's happening ?



“From not for profit to social enterprise: meet with Aimée Abra Tenu, a social entrepreneur form rural Africa…” (in French)
A l’occasion du déjeuner, Aimée Abra Tenu, femme engagée d’origine togolaise, vous présentera les défis d’une jeune entrepreneuse sociale africaine en 2014 !

Venez nombreux échanger avec nous !


Depuis son plus jeune âge, Aimée Abra Tenu est engagée comme citoyenne active et fondatrice d’ONG, active d’abord dans l’accompagnement pour les enfants défavorisés, puis dans le développement communautaire (environnement, alphabétisation des femmes, éducation des enfants etc.). En 2009, Aimée Abra Tenu décide de transformer ses initiatives en « Social entreprise », lui permettant de développer des business model générateurs de revenus (de la transformation de déchets, aux savons de luxe).

Son objectif final, l’autonomisation et l’indépendance financière des populations soutenues, signifie que ses initiatives passent le relai aux bénéficiaires, qui deviennent alors entrepreneurs du développement de leurs communautés.

Aimée a été reconnue en recevant divers prix ( entre autres « prix de l’excellence féminine ouest-africain » délivré par Hokan International à Cotonou en 2009, le prix « JCI The Outstanding Young Persons of the World » dans la catégorie « Leadership accomplissement en éducation »…).

L’une de ses structures, “Zam-Ké” – littéralement « Utilises moi encore » en dialecte local,- a reçu l’appui du forum Young African Women Leaders de la First Lady Michele OBAMA en 2011.

Cet évènement est réalisé en collaboration avec JCI Luxembourg.



Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite




@The Impactory on July 10th, from 7pm!


Because we love to celebrate, meet and mingle, we would like to invite everyone who has been in touch with The Impactory during the past year for a party before the summer holidays.

Everyone is invited: neighbours, family, partners, … so please bring people along with you!

Please bring your own contribution in order to share it with everyone or contribute 10 euros for the party.

For ensuring coordination,  with what you can contribute with and get inspired by the list below.

For members, you can offer your contribution and help through the Podio platform We are looking forward to having you for a great party under a (hopefully) sunny, cloudless sky!


Contribution List:
meat (real meat or vegetal meat)
sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise…)
salads: pasta, rice…
desserts (cake, fruit salad, …)
soft drinks, water, juice…
music : guitar, voices…
2 BBQ stands
coal and fire material
sponsor ideas for inkind (drinks, food…)
or 10 Euros…

- – - – - – -

Online event registration for It’s time to BBQ at The Impactory ! Join our Summer Party! powered by Eventbrite

Our sponsors:

Logo The Belgian Brewery

Mathieu Pinet will offer a degustation of his own made Belgian Beers :)  


Also the company Marcel Grobusch & Fils will sponsor our BBQ and offer us fresh fruits for the party!

 Picture 45KPMG_webben




“Avez-vous la patience d’attendre que la boue se depose et que l’eau soit claire?”

- Lao-Tzu, Tao-te-Ching -

 Sans titre2

Dans un monde de plus en plus connecté, on peut se retrouver de moins en moins connectés à nous-mêmes et à ceux qui sont plus importants dans nos familles et nos communautés. Dans un monde qui va de plus en plus vite, on peut se retrouver en train de courir et tourner, mais ayant perdu notre direction et notre vision. Dans un monde qui change sans arrêt, on peut se retrouver face plein d’incertitudes et loin de l’expérience profonde de la beauté du renouvellement dans notre vie quotidienne.


La pleine conscience est une qualité humaine naturelle, une façon de faire attention à tout ce qui apparaît dans notre vie, et qui nous permet de développer un sens plus profond de connexion avec nous-même et le monde extérieur.


La pleine conscience est aussi une pratique pour cultiver des attitudes spécifiques comme acceptation, non-jugement, patience et compassion. À travers une expérience directe on apprend à observer le ‘jeu’ continu entre corps et esprit. Avec cette clarté et compréhension, en vivant le moment présent, on apprend à mieux prendre soin de nous-mêmes, en utilisant nos ressources internes pour faire face aux défis et nous développer. On apprend aussi à ne pas nier ni fuir les événements de notre vie, mais à accepter, en devenant capables de suivre nos chemins avec plus de compréhension et moins de stress.


Pendant cette journée de silence, on explorera cette qualité innée d’attention et observation. On apprendra à la développer à travers la respiration, le corps, les émotions, les pensées, et l’environnement externe. En suivant des pratiques guidées, on alternera des périodes assis et en mouvement (marche de pleine conscience, qi-gong, yoga). Loin d’être effrayant et inconfortable comme on pourrait penser, rester en silence pendant une longue période est pour la plupart une expérience profonde de relaxation et ré-connexion à soi-même.


La pleine conscience se base sur des pratiques millénaires de méditation. Son impact positif est démontré par quelques décennies de recherche clinique et académique. Des compagnies comme Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, et les entrepreneurs de la Silicon Valley, utilisent la pleine conscience pour améliorer le bien-être, la communication, la créativité, la clarté, la capacité de décision, et le leadership.


La pratique est guidée en français. Le séminaire est prévu pour le samedi 12 Juillet 2014 à The Impactory, à partir de 10h jusqu’à 16h30. Aucune expérience préalable est nécessaire. Pour toute question : .




- – - – - -


Sans titre1Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher, having participated to retreats with John Kabat-Zinn, Saki Santorelly, and Shamash Alidina. After his former experiences in management, both in the private and public sectors, he has devoted various years to academia, researching the effects of trust on individual and organisational performance, gaining two PhDs (Management Engineering, and Economics). All these experiences have convinced him that organisations need a profound change of their focus and practices, starting once again from individuals and their human needs. Nowadays he has the privilege of lecturing and coaching Bachelor and Master students, as well as PhD candidates, at the University of Luxembourg, the Maastricht School of Governance, and the UNU-Merit Maastricht.  As a coach, he supports executives and individuals in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources. You can see more on his website www.zegtraining.com and blog.zegtraining.com.


Event registration for Un samedi en pleine conscience: être à travers le corps et l’esprit powered by Eventbrite




In the first session we saw what wearables are all about. If you missed it, feel free to come anyway and we will make sure to bring you up to speed.

Now comes the time to continue with regular meets and continue where we left of.

You will need your laptop and a free USB Port if you want to get started straight away.

The main Language will be English but French and German can be spoken too in case of any particular questions.

You do NOT need ANY prior knowledge about electronics. Being curious and patient is ideal :)   

It is open to all and in a gender neutral atmosphere.

We will not only take a look at the hardware but also do a lot of easy programming of the different sensors.

Not convinced yet? Check these great projects out, which anyone can do after an initial session of the basic knowledge: https://learn.adafruit.com/category/flora

Wearable Lightning talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeMgJYMhYys

bigContact me for more info: 





Thanks and see you on the third Wearable Wednesday in Luxembourg, July 16th at 18h30



Sell Tickets through Eventbrite

TheoryU imageRisk management – a deep dive Behaviour in risk management and Theory U
Dates: Thursday, 24 July 2014, 12.15 – 14.00
Isabel Page with Yves Deceuninck

The 2008 crisis and its catastrophic ongoing effects have made imperative an innovative approach to risk decision-making and management. Our lunchtime session will raise awareness of our own behaviour in both assessing and making decisions around risk, and the part our emotions and instinct play in these crucial organisational competences.

Yves Deceuninck, an expert and coach in risk management, will join us to bring you this ground-breaking session.
This session is open to those Impactory members engaged in early start-ups only – members working as professional coaches and consultants will not be accepted. If you have any questions about the workshop, do contact me at .

About Isabel

I Page photo

As a former associate lecturer on human resource management for the Open University Business School UK’s MBA and MSc program, it has been Isabel’s privilege to exchange with many mature students engaged in highly challenging leadership roles for global organisations. This experience, together with her role in executive coaching and organisational development for diverse public and private global organisations such as Fidelity Investments, Spacelabs, Xing, the European Central Bank, the European Investment Bank, the EU Court of Justice and Henri Tudor, has convinced Isabel of the need for deep change in the practice of leadership and management. Introduced to Otto Scharmer’s work at MIT through the director of Centro Ecológico, Akumal during a voluntary consulting partnership in Mexico, Isabel has been engaged since 2010 in virtual learning with Otto through the Presencing Institute and personally in Paris and Boston. She teaches this work to students and professionals in the context of the Social Enterprise Course, part of the Certificate of Sustainability delivered by the University of Luxembourg.

About Yves


With Master’s degrees in Financial Risk Management, Applied Economics, Accountancy and Finance, Internal Audit, and IT network & organisation, Yves provides expert training for Central Banks in emerging market countries. He provides coaching programmes on behalf of the ATTF (Agence de Transfert de Technologie Financière du Luxembourg) in microfinance institutions, and for the ATTF itself. As Senior Manager with a big four audit services in Brussels, he was involved in corporate governance review and self-assessment risk programmes. Yves performed internal audit assignments and credit risk reviews in the banking sector in Africa (10 countries) and Europe as well as audit reviews in Europe, Channel Islands, Bermuda Islands, Hong Kong. He also gave training in hedge fund strategies, risk management, financial modelling, AML, internal auditing, project management.

Yves is a certified coach (ICF) and certified performance coach PECI (sports psychology performance coach) and is currently following a Psychology degree (University of Paris). As well as practising business coaching, he is a mental coach for triathlon runners and footballers.

For registration, please email at



In the first session we saw what wearables are all about. If you missed it, feel free to come anyway and we will make sure to bring you up to speed.

Now comes the time to continue with regular meets and continue where we left of.

You will need your laptop and a free USB Port if you want to get started straight away.

The main Language will be English but French and German can be spoken too in case of any particular questions.

You do NOT need ANY prior knowledge about electronics. Being curious and patient is ideal :)   

It is open to all and in a gender neutral atmosphere.

We will not only take a look at the hardware but also do a lot of easy programming of the different sensors.

Not convinced yet? Check these great projects out, which anyone can do after an initial session of the basic knowledge: https://learn.adafruit.com/category/flora

Wearable Lightning talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeMgJYMhYys

bigContact me for more info: 





Thanks and see you on the fourth Wearable Wednesday in Luxembourg, July 30th at 18h30



Online event registration for Fourth Wearable Wednesday at The Impactory powered by Eventbrite

Perbedaan Antara Slot Gacor dan Slot Biasa

Slot Gacor berbeda dengan slot biasa dalam hal frekuensi kemenangan. Pemain yang memilih RTP Slot Gacor biasanya merasakan lebih banyak kemenangan, meskipun nilainya bervariasi. Ini terjadi karena slot ini dirancang untuk memberikan pengembalian yang lebih tinggi. Memilih Slot RTP Tertinggi bisa menjadi cara untuk memastikan pengalaman bermain yang lebih menyenangkan.

Bagi Anda yang ingin bermain slot dengan modal ringan, Slot Depo 5k adalah pilihan tepat. Nikmati berbagai jenis permainan slot yang menarik dengan peluang besar meraih hadiah menarik.

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