For non-profit: 15% reductions on above mentioned prices apply.
Included: 30Mb WiFi connection, room preparation and space cleaning.
Additional services:> projector {5€ / hour}, catering {service fee of 25% on ordering invoice applies}, paper, pens, printer.
After 18.00 an extra fee of 35€/hour applies for keeping the space open for you.
Contact us to enquire about availability and make a booking.
Are you interested to become of a member of our community of entrepreneurs & change makers? Are you a new member and you would like to know how to best use the Impactory for your projects? Are you a more experienced member and you would like to meet the new blood as well as share your experience as being part of the Impactory’s community?
Maybe, just want to know more about what The Impactory is all about?
Then join us for an informal session and get all your questions answered!
This event will be run on a regular basis and aim to provide all necessary information to new members :
- How does the Impactory work : all you always wanted to know and ask !
- How to make the most of your membership ?
- Which are the different activities and the networking opportunities offered at The Impactory?
- How can you get (more) involved within the Impactory community and make the difference ?
- How can you meet and connect with other members members and collaborate on projects?
- How to create new opportunities for the community and yourself ?
Startup Grind Luxembourg and Google for Entrepreneurs welcome you to hear the story and vision of a passionate Icelandic / Luxembourgish serial entrepreneur, private investor and philanthropist.
Ever since teenage years, Didrik has been instrumental in and personally initiated numerous successful companies and entrepreneurial endeavours. With “hands on” experience spanning over three decades of entrepreneurial leadership with global reach, he has a lot of inspirational stories and advice to share.Didrik is the Founder and CEO of GenCreo S.A.. An award winning and innovative startup idea. Working on an unique info-photo application named ImCreo and having several other innovative ideas in the pipelines. GenCreo is all about people with passion for ideas and technology, people that enjoy creating and realizing innovative “tech related” ideas.Fascinated by technology from the early days of the PC revolution, he started his first company in 1982, a computer training centre. “In those early PC days, IBM introduced a 10MB drive … and we believed it would last a lifetime !!!” This teaches us that the full potential of people with creative ideas and technology is limitless.One of Didrik’s mottos is “When shared, great ideas gain value!
This “fireside-chat” is bound to be packed with lot’s of interesting and “hot” questions.
Purchase your ticket.
For Impactory Members: To get the Impactory member promotional code (we have limited vouchers, so it will be first come first serve basis), please email Event is at Lux Future Lab, 14, rue Aldringen, 1118 Luxembourg.
JCI Luxembourg est heureux de vous inviter à participer à une journée de 2 formations, qui auront lieu Samedi 28 Juin 2014.
Ci-dessous plus d’informations :
Venez nombreux !
Training #1:
- Thème : JCI Achieve
- Trainer : Stephane Asse’e
- Horaires : 8:30 – 13:00
- Références : linkedin
Training #2:
· Thème : Première partie : Quid de la location au Luxembourg suivi de la Seconde partie : Comment mieux valoriser votre bien à la vente ou à la location par le Home-Staging?
· Trainers : Lauriane Delmer & Maeva Gentile de la société LD Home
· Horaires : 14:30 – 18:00
· Référence : website
Lieu :
The Impactory – 29, Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte L-1331 Luxembourg
Participation :
35€ (prix incluant les deux formations, le déjeuner et le café). Le paiement peut soit être fait sur place en liquide le jour de la formation, soit par virement sur le compte de la Jeune Chambre économique du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, sur le compte bancaire suivant : BGL BNP Paribas IBAN : LU14 0030 0748 0000 (BIC Code: BGLLLULL).
Inscrivez-vous vite en envoyant un email à (Lauriane Delmer)
Les formations seront en Français.
JCI Luxembourg
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Stephane Asse’e Lauriane Delmer
Vincent Hieff, Chambre de Commerce and Luxembourg Business Angel Network
Espace Entreprises is dedicated to all those who are seeking support in their administrative procedures when creating and developing a business.
They also provide consulting in diverse areas like public financial support, legal rights of establishment, labor law, social insurance law, competition law, corporate law, direct and indirect tax. You can schedule an individual meeting or drop by without appointment.
Take this great opportunity to get guidance and help from an expert to create your dream. Vincent is an entrepreneur at heart and he is a wealth of information you can rely on.
L’Espace Entreprises est un guichet unique à l’attention de tous ceux qui cherchent de l’aide dans les procédures administratives auxquelles ils se voient confrontés dans le cadre de la création et du développement d’une entreprise.
L’Espace Entreprises offre également des services de conseil gratuits en matière de droit d’établissement, d’aides et de financements publics, droit du travail individuel, droit des assurances sociales, droit de la concurrence, droit des sociétés et du commerce, ainsi que de fiscalité directe et indirecte. Vous pouvez venir sur place.
Please register here and we will confirm you, your meeting time slot via email.
“Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear?”
- Lao-Tzu, Tao-te-Ching -
In a world that is more and more connected, we can feel being less and less connected to ourselves and to those who matter in our families and our communities. In a world that moves faster and faster, we can find ourselves running and spinning, having lost our direction and vision. In a world that changes all the time, we can find ourselves fearful of uncertainty and far from fully experiencing the beauty of renewal in our daily lives.
Mindfulness is a natural human quality, a way of paying attention to whatever is arising in one’s life that allows a deeper sense of connection inwardly and outwardly.
Mindfulness is also a practice to cultivate specific attitudes such as acceptance, non-judgement, patience, and compassion, while experientially learning the continuous interplay between mind and body. With such clarity and understanding, we learn to take better care of ourselves, mobilizing our own inner resources for coping and growing. We also learn not to escape or avoid what life brings in our present, but we accept and become able to move on with a new understanding, and with less stress and burdening.
In this day of silence we are going to explore this innate ability of awareness. We will learn how to develop our focus through breath, body, feelings, thoughts, and the external environment. Through guided practices, we will alternate periods of sitting and movement (mindful walking, qi-gong, yoga). Far from being the scary and discomforting experience it might seem, being in silence for a longer period is reported by most as a deeply refreshing and restoring experience.
Mindfulness grows on a 2,500 years old tradition of meditation. Its positive impact is now supported by many decades of academic research. Companies the like of Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, use mindfulness practice to improve well-being, communication, creativity, clarity, decision making, leadership.
This retreat is guided in English, and is held from 10 am to 4,30 pm on Saturday, 5 July 2014. No previous experience is required. If you have any questions, you can contact Maurizio at .
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Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher, having participated to retreats with John Kabat-Zinn, Saki Santorelly, and Shamash Alidina. After his former experiences in management, both in the private and public sectors, he has devoted various years to academia, researching the effects of trust on individual and organisational performance, gaining two PhDs (Management Engineering, and Economics). All these experiences have convinced him that organisations need a profound change of their focus and practices, starting once again from individuals and their human needs. Nowadays he has the privilege of lecturing and coaching Bachelor and Master students, as well as PhD candidates, at the University of Luxembourg, the Maastricht School of Governance, and the UNU-Merit Maastricht. As a coach, he supports executives and individuals in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources. You can see more on his website and
“From not for profit to social enterprise: meet with Aimée Abra Tenu, a social entrepreneur form rural Africa…” (in French)
A l’occasion du déjeuner, Aimée Abra Tenu, femme engagée d’origine togolaise, vous présentera les défis d’une jeune entrepreneuse sociale africaine en 2014 !
Venez nombreux échanger avec nous !
Depuis son plus jeune âge, Aimée Abra Tenu est engagée comme citoyenne active et fondatrice d’ONG, active d’abord dans l’accompagnement pour les enfants défavorisés, puis dans le développement communautaire (environnement, alphabétisation des femmes, éducation des enfants etc.). En 2009, Aimée Abra Tenu décide de transformer ses initiatives en « Social entreprise », lui permettant de développer des business model générateurs de revenus (de la transformation de déchets, aux savons de luxe).
Son objectif final, l’autonomisation et l’indépendance financière des populations soutenues, signifie que ses initiatives passent le relai aux bénéficiaires, qui deviennent alors entrepreneurs du développement de leurs communautés.
Aimée a été reconnue en recevant divers prix ( entre autres « prix de l’excellence féminine ouest-africain » délivré par Hokan International à Cotonou en 2009, le prix « JCI The Outstanding Young Persons of the World » dans la catégorie « Leadership accomplissement en éducation »…).
L’une de ses structures, “Zam-Ké” – littéralement « Utilises moi encore » en dialecte local,- a reçu l’appui du forum Young African Women Leaders de la First Lady Michele OBAMA en 2011.
Cet évènement est réalisé en collaboration avec JCI Luxembourg.
SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR SUMMER BBQ @The Impactory on July 10th, from 7pm!
Because we love to celebrate, meet and mingle, we would like to invite everyone who has been in touch with The Impactory during the past year for a party before the summer holidays.
Everyone is invited: neighbours, family, partners, … so please bring people along with you!
Please bring your own contribution in order to share it with everyone or contribute 10 euros for the party.
For ensuring coordination, with what you can contribute with and get inspired by the list below.
For members, you can offer your contribution and help through the Podio platform We are looking forward to having you for a great party under a (hopefully) sunny, cloudless sky!
Contribution List:
meat (real meat or vegetal meat)
sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise…)
salads: pasta, rice…
desserts (cake, fruit salad, …)
soft drinks, water, juice…
music : guitar, voices…
2 BBQ stands
coal and fire material
sponsor ideas for inkind (drinks, food…)
or 10 Euros…
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Mathieu Pinet will offer a degustation of his own made Belgian Beers
Also the company Marcel Grobusch & Fils will sponsor our BBQ and offer us fresh fruits for the party!
“Avez-vous la patience d’attendre que la boue se depose et que l’eau soit claire?”
- Lao-Tzu, Tao-te-Ching -
Dans un monde de plus en plus connecté, on peut se retrouver de moins en moins connectés à nous-mêmes et à ceux qui sont plus importants dans nos familles et nos communautés. Dans un monde qui va de plus en plus vite, on peut se retrouver en train de courir et tourner, mais ayant perdu notre direction et notre vision. Dans un monde qui change sans arrêt, on peut se retrouver face plein d’incertitudes et loin de l’expérience profonde de la beauté du renouvellement dans notre vie quotidienne.
La pleine conscience est une qualité humaine naturelle, une façon de faire attention à tout ce qui apparaît dans notre vie, et qui nous permet de développer un sens plus profond de connexion avec nous-même et le monde extérieur.
La pleine conscience est aussi une pratique pour cultiver des attitudes spécifiques comme acceptation, non-jugement, patience et compassion. À travers une expérience directe on apprend à observer le ‘jeu’ continu entre corps et esprit. Avec cette clarté et compréhension, en vivant le moment présent, on apprend à mieux prendre soin de nous-mêmes, en utilisant nos ressources internes pour faire face aux défis et nous développer. On apprend aussi à ne pas nier ni fuir les événements de notre vie, mais à accepter, en devenant capables de suivre nos chemins avec plus de compréhension et moins de stress.
Pendant cette journée de silence, on explorera cette qualité innée d’attention et observation. On apprendra à la développer à travers la respiration, le corps, les émotions, les pensées, et l’environnement externe. En suivant des pratiques guidées, on alternera des périodes assis et en mouvement (marche de pleine conscience, qi-gong, yoga). Loin d’être effrayant et inconfortable comme on pourrait penser, rester en silence pendant une longue période est pour la plupart une expérience profonde de relaxation et ré-connexion à soi-même.
La pleine conscience se base sur des pratiques millénaires de méditation. Son impact positif est démontré par quelques décennies de recherche clinique et académique. Des compagnies comme Google, Unilever, The Huffington Post, Patagonia, et les entrepreneurs de la Silicon Valley, utilisent la pleine conscience pour améliorer le bien-être, la communication, la créativité, la clarté, la capacité de décision, et le leadership.
La pratique est guidée en français. Le séminaire est prévu pour le samedi 12 Juillet 2014 à The Impactory, à partir de 10h jusqu’à 16h30. Aucune expérience préalable est nécessaire. Pour toute question : .
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Maurizio is a trainer and coach, long-standing mindfulness practitioner and certified teacher, having participated to retreats with John Kabat-Zinn, Saki Santorelly, and Shamash Alidina. After his former experiences in management, both in the private and public sectors, he has devoted various years to academia, researching the effects of trust on individual and organisational performance, gaining two PhDs (Management Engineering, and Economics). All these experiences have convinced him that organisations need a profound change of their focus and practices, starting once again from individuals and their human needs. Nowadays he has the privilege of lecturing and coaching Bachelor and Master students, as well as PhD candidates, at the University of Luxembourg, the Maastricht School of Governance, and the UNU-Merit Maastricht. As a coach, he supports executives and individuals in the discovery and development of their personal and professional skills and resources. You can see more on his website and
- Impactory July community lunch
- The power of coworking, testimonials from of our members
- Select Client Communication session 2 June 18th is reschedule to July 9th
- One year already … save the date for our Summer BBQ: July 10th
- Connect People and Ideas – The Impactory at PaperJam Startup 10×6
- Try 1 day of coworking for free!
- Facilitating Human Sustainability with Isabel Page
- Client Communication session June 5th is reschedule to June 12th & 14th
- Impactory & Sportunity at PaperJam Business Club 10×6 Startup
- 1st Rails Girls Luxembourg was successful!
Get your 1 day free coworking pass
We're open 9-18 on workdays.
The first Annual Report for the Impactory is out!