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Amcham gets the momentum going on the Sàrl Simplifiée. Now just do it!

7 February, 2014 in external events, news

Last Tuesday Amcham’s New Business & Entrepreneurship Committee, NBA, arranged an evening around the 1-1-1 Company. The topic is hot and important so the sold-out house was no surprise despite various other competing events that night. The evening was organised and moderated by Jed Grant and Pedro Castilho, the chair and vice-chair of the NBE. The team had brought together a great panel adding various dimensions to the challenges entrepreneurs face when they try to start a legal entity and get going with the actual business. In support of the Amcham Luxembourg – New Business & Entrepreneurs Committee “111 company” initiative, The Impactory has launched an online petition. Please sign it here.

So what is the 1-1-1 Company, or Sàrl Simplifiée as it is officially called? This slide tells it in a nutshell.

2014-02-04 19.06.19


For more photos from the event go to the Amcham site.

The panel started off with Vincent Hieff, Head of Espace Entreprises at the Chamber of Commerce. He explained the reasons and thinking behind the work the Chamber did in 2011 when they made the detailed suggestion for the Sàrl Simplifiée. Full text here. In addition to making company creation for a small business starting from scratch very easy, it is also great branding for Luxembourg. It will make Luxembourg a more attractive place in general.

Cristina Picco from Mamie et Moi told her story about the origins of their idea. It started 2012 – the year of active ageing. With her business partner Camille Alexandre they started building the idea of Mamie et Moi. The idea was to sell high quality knitware for children. All handmade by older ladies – les mamies – as and when they feel like knitting something. Mamie et Moi is something of a slow e-commerce. I.e. you pick your model and size online, place an order and then Mamie et Moi asks in the network of mamies who is ready and willing to knit that item. A few weeks later a beautiful piece of knitware arrives to the customer. All sounds great, right? Only one thing. The mamies are not allowed to knit for Mamie et Moi unless they are trained knitters with a diploma. At this point the auditorium in the basement of BGL burst out in a collective “what?! that’s crazy!”.

This opened up for the other big item that could improve the entrepreneurial landscape immensely: removing the requirement for an Authorisation d’Etablissement for as many activities as possible (health and safety excluded of course). At  this point Vincent added the improvement that has been made, albeit a compromise as opposed to a full solution. Nevertheless now you only need a diploma in the field of activity or three years of work experience in any field. Before your work experience had to be in the field of activity and you needed a diploma. Neatly blocking the road for many career shifters.

Mate Horvath was next up. He started also a real life shop at 321 Route d’Arlon. It’s a bike shop where you can customise your own favourite bike. They are focusing on fixed gear bikes. Mate started this business out of pure love of bikes and design. In order to set up his Sarl he had to get inventive since he did not have €12 500 in cash. He did what the accountants call an ’apport en nature’ by adding his car to the balance sheet and with some cash savings from his studies, he was told he had €12 500 in the balance sheet. He also came across FUSE and their microcredit programme which helped him. More info on

Marc Meyers, Partner at Fiduciaire du Grande-Duche de Luxembourg also saw the benefits. He did point out a very valid point: the important reality after company creation is actually running the business. There are many pitfalls and issues. The 1€ capital might not be suitable for capital intensive activities and you have to fully capitalise directly.

Bob Kieffer from BGL BNP Parisbas and  a Lux Futurelab Startup specialist was last out. This meant he could in principle just agree with all prior panelists. He did add a very good clarification and reason to why BGL BNP Paribas has started Lux Futurelab. Since they are very slow to lend money to high-risks startups in order to be good stewards of their depositors’ money, they had to come up with something else. The Lux Futurelab team with Karin Schintgen and Tracey Urdiales set up the Lux Futurelab, a workplace for entrepreneurs. Instead of lending money they offer very professional office space and other services in the most central location in town.

At the Q&A we heard more testimonials from entrepreneurs on how a Sàrl Simplifiée and abolishing the requirement of an Authorisation d’Etablissement could make real impact on entrepreneurship in Luxembourg. Amcham NBE committee has written a manifesto on the subject. It saw the public light for a first time this event and will soon be available online. There will also be more to read about Amcham’s position on Authorisation d’Etbalissement, the Sàrl Simplifiée and bankruptcy law changes in the upcoming issue of Connexion.

This was a great and well needed event that added momentum to the energy on the ground among the entrepreneurs. Now we need to build on this momentum the event has created and work as a community to promote some simple changes that will create some real measurable impact. It is time for politicians to put things into action. To use a popular tagline as slogan – Just Do It!

Apprendre à entreprendre

27 May, 2013 in external events, news

Invitation – 12e Forum des Mini-Entreprises
jeudi 13 juin 2013 à 16h00 à l’Utopolis
Le programme des Mini-EntreprisesSelon la devise «Apprendre à Entreprendre», l’asbl Jonk Entrepreneuren a pour mission de préparer des jeunes à innover, créer et prendre des initiatives. Pour stimuler l’émergence d’une culture d’entreprise, différents projets sont organisés tout au long de leur enseignement au Luxembourg. Parmi les projets coordonnés par l’association, figure le programme des Mini-Entreprises. Pendant une année scolaire, des élèves sont responsables d’une Mini-Entreprise dans  laquelle ils sont amenés à prendre des décisions tout en étant «coachés» par leur enseignant et en bénéficiant des conseils d’un intervenant du secteur privé.

Afin de distinguer et de récompenser les meilleurs projets de l’année, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter au Forum des Mini-Entreprises qui aura lieu le jeudi 13 juin 2013 à 16h00 à l’Utopolis 45, avenue J.-F. Kennedy Luxembourg-Kirchberg

Programme du Forum
16h00 > Accueil – Visite des stands
16h45 > Discours de Monsieur Charles Denotte, Président de l’asbl Jonk Entrepreneuren
16h50 > Discours de Madame Martine Hansen, Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche
17h00 > Présentation sur scène des Mini-Entreprises «4 minutes pour convaincre» Animation par Camille Ney
19h00 > «Awards Dinner» avec remise des prix
22h00 > Clôture
S’inscrire ici

Co-design Master Class and FabLab demo – 16 May

23 April, 2013 in external events, news

ce66b69c45731955fd5232b5a073054e_1_mediumJust a short note to remind you of a really interesting event from our friends at Luxinnovation in co-design and at the same time a demo of the FabLab at Technoport.

Learn about co-design processes and how it can impact innovation and business in a great way. In parallel there are demos of digital fabrication in the FabLab at Technoport. This a full day full of learning and hands-on experience. It’s free of charge so the return on your money and time will be substantial.

All details are here

JCI launching a Social Innovation Business Plan Competition

11 April, 2013 in external events, news

Social innovation business plan competition, JCI Monaco European conference 2013: deadline for submission of entries extended until Sunday 14th of April (contact: )!!

Each country in the World can submit 2 projects… 1 opening left for Luxembourg!! PLease use this as a great opportunity.

Important: Please make sure that all the required documents are sent by then, so that you have all your chances to win the 20.000€ prize (+ great exposure)!

For more information and for the competition rules, please see For those applying, please note that if you are pre-selected, the jury meeting will be on the morning of Tuesday 28 May, please adapt your travel arrangements accordingly.

(Jury made up, among others, of the Fondation Cuomo and some leading lights in the field of social entrepreneurship including Dutch social entrepreneur Mr Barend Van der Vorm, Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the founder of easyJet and Chairman of easyGroup and Monegasque serial entrepreneur Mr Gildo Pallanca-Pastor, the President of Venturi Automobiles)


8 April, 2013 in external events, news, The Impactory

Agile Partner invites you to a free seminaron continuous innovation with Lean Startup.

Date, Time and Place:

25 April 2013, 12:00 – 14:00

Agile Partner
20A, rue du Puits Romain, ZAI Bourmicht
L-8070 Bertrange

Register here


Seminar’s objectives

Starting a new business is particularly challenging in terms of:

  • understanding who your customers are,
  • what their real needs are,
  • what solution should be built to create a profitable and sustainable business.

While Agile development approaches provide a proven framework for efficient teamwork and frequent delivery, many teams and Product Owners struggle to close the feedback loop with the market and learn what they should build next.

The Lean Startup is a complement approach, and a whole entrepreurial movement, that fills this gap and helps you be innovative, avoid waste and build & launch successful products.

During this session you will learn the basics of Lean Startup and experience it in practice.

*The Lean Startup is a trademark and service mark owned by Eric Ries.


Appel à projets 2013 – parcours 123 Go Social

14 December, 2012 in external events

Alors faites-vous accompagner par 1,2,3 GO SOCIAL !

Du 8 novembre 2012 au 30 avril 2013, Business Initiative lance une nouvelle session de candidature pour son parcours 1,2,3 GO SOCIAL ! S’intégrant dans le plan d’action pour le développement de l’économie solidaire au Luxembourg (PLES-2012) mené par le département de l’économie solidaire du Ministère de l’Economie et du Commerce extérieur, le parcours 1,2,3 GO Social a plusieurs objectifs.

Conditions de participation

Vers le site de 123 Go Social

Perbedaan Antara Slot Gacor dan Slot Biasa

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Untuk pemain yang serius, memilih Bo Togel Hadiah Terbesar adalah langkah yang tepat. Hadiah fantastis ini tidak hanya menggiurkan, tetapi juga memberikan pengalaman bermain yang penuh tantangan dan kepuasan.

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