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Recent Events – March

2 April, 2013 in news

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  • In the last few weeks the space has been rocking literally with events like the Jam-pactory where serious musical talent emerged.
  • 1-2 March we hosted the Luxembourg event for the Global Service Jam. It was a great session the generated some great local service ideas for Luxembourg. Some of these live on with the teams and the aim is to make them reality. A big thanks to Fi4Si for co-hosting this event! We love collaboration! Check out the photos on our Facebook page
  • We had a creativity workshop run by our member Miranda from Create and Connect
  • Yesterday we co-produced a conference together with 123Go Social, Caritas and the Idea Monopoly at the Centre Culturel Am Scheiss. The theme was Poverty in Luxembourg – Illusion or Reality? Using Visual Harvesting and the Business Model Canvas the participants created business ideas for local impact in Luxembourg on poverty. The conference participants were tired and at the same time energized by the hands-on work they did.

Weltretter unter sich

26 February, 2013 in news

Weltretter unter sich

Die Social Entrepreneurs, eine neue Art von Unternehmern, wollen keinen Profit, sondern gesellschaftlichen Mehrwert. Dafür haben sie sich ein eigenes Netzwerk geschaffen. Eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten Akteure

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